Resting metabolic rate test
For individuals wanting to understand their daily caloric needs. If you want to lose, gain, or maintain weight, a scientifically accurate understanding of your resting metabolic rate is essential.
Price | £80 |
Duration | Approximately 45 minutes |
Details | Before completing the test, we start with a short <10-minute consultation with one of our team to understand your goals and explain the process. The test involves wearing a gas sampling mask and being sat in a reclined position in a quiet room for 15-20 minutes. To complete this test as accurately as possible, we ask you to arrive in a fasted state (only water for 12-hours prior to the test). Following significant weight loss, and/or an increase in exercise, it is important to have your RMR re-tested. The body adapts to changes in weight and exercise by increasing or decreasing your RMR. A consistent accurate measure of your RMR is crucial for establishing an appropriate calorie intake for a desired goal, and allows further programmes to adjust for the variations in RMR caused by the change in bodyweight. |
What you'll get |
All information is included in a detailed ~9-page report you will receive following the test. |